| THUR & FRI 11AM-9PM SAT 11AM-9:30PM SUN 10AM-5PM |
121 N. Gregson ST, Durham NC | 919.797.2233
Rose’s can provide desserts for private events, weddings, and parties. Here’s a sampling of what we offer and how to order!
We offer celebration and wedding cakes in multiple sizes to accommodate your guests. Choose from our Chocolate Pudding, Coconut Tres Leches, Seasonal Mochi (gluten free), and Bombe Glacee. When choosing, please keep in mind that a 6 inch cake will feed 6-8 people and the 8 inch 10- 14 people. Our bombe glacee feeds 8-10 in the 6 inch size and 12-16 people in the 8 inch size. Cakes must be ordered one week in advance. To make your cake request please use our request form.
Rose’s can provide desserts for your next party, from full dessert tables to simpler spreads. We request several weeks notice…the longer lead time we have the more creative we can get! Here’s a sampling of items we can offer with pricing:
Please take a moment to fill out our Private Events form with the date, number of guests, and other details of your party and we will be in touch!
Schedule a Private Event
© 2023 Rose's Noodles, Dumplings & Sweets • 121 N Gregson St, Durham NC • 919.797.2233 • info@rosesdurham.com
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